A Gonzalez rev. Ian Dieffenthaller 2010
Aboud, James C. The Stone Rose. Port-of-Spain: Paria, 1986.
Lagahoo Poems. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2005
Acqui, Launcelot Ever Changing Time. Self published c1994
Alexander, Francine, Laila Haidarali, Candyce Kelshall.
Aftermath. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1988.
Allen, Lisa. Something to Say. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1992.
Ali, R. From Deep Within. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1982.
Alladin, M. P. And Where is Human Man? Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1968.
The Monstrous Angel. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1969.
Allen, Oswald. Moment of Time. Port-of-Spain: P.N.M. Publishing Company, 1963.
Moment of Eternal Years. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1987.
Alphonso, John B. Reflections of My Soul on Paper. Self-published. New York, 1979.
Als, Michael. Blood Money. Self published. Nd 197?
Poems of Life and Soul. Toronto: Vanguard, 197?
Speaking of My Country. Self-published. San Fernando, 1975.
Detention / Pickers and Flowers. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1981.
Bill of Rights. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1985
Anand (Sadanan Ramnarine). Mind Control Poems. Self-published. Lengua, 1990.
Arthur, David The Other me. Barataria, 1988
Arthur, Kevyn Alan. England and Nowhere. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press, 1993.
Attzs, Naomi. My Inspirations. Self-published. San Fernando, 1977.
Augustus, Stella. Steps Along the Way. Port-of-Spain: Inprint, 1977.
The Basil Tree. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1988.
Bacchus, Winston Joe. The Murmurings of Aschak. St. Ann’s: Scope Publishing Caribbean, 1976.
Bachan, John. Aspects of Life. Self-published. San Fernando, 1984.
Barker, Norma. Black Face. Self-published. Houston, 1983.
Belmosa, Trevor. The Soul of Pan. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1989.
Freedom and Love. Port of Spain, 1990
Ben-Kari, Bert. Moments of Perception. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 197?.
Best, J. R. Glory of Youth and Other Poems. Port of Spain, 1940
National Ballads and Patriotic Poems. Port of Spain, 1945
Caribbeana or the spirit of the age. Port of Spain, 1949
Bhajan, Selwyn. Season of Songs. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1973.
Quest. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1975.
Whispers of Dawn. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1978.
Voyage. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1981.
Another Shore. Westmoorings: Caribbean Paintbox, 1992
Blenman Scott, Marjorie. Sisters. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1984.
Book, Br. (Hollis Peters). The Optician. Self-published [Vanguard]. Port-of-Spain, 1985. [1984?]
Boyce Taylor, Cheryl. Night When Moon Follows. Hoboken, New Jersey: Long Shot Publications, 2000.
Raw Air: Poems. New York: Fly by Night Press, 1997, 2000.
Brand, Dionne. Fore Day Morning. Toronto: Khosian Artists, 1978.
1953- [Toronto from 1970]
Earth Magic. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 1979.
Primitive Offensive. Toronto: Williams Wallace, 1982.
Winter Epigrams & Epigrams to Ernesto Cardinal in Defense of Claudia. Toronto: Williams-Wallace, 1983.
Chronicles of the Hostile Sun. Toronto: Williams-Wallace. 1984.
No Language is Neutral. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1990.
Land to light on. Toronto: M&S, 1997
Brathwaite, Jacqueline. A Tribute to All. Self-published. Scarborough, 1987
Bridgenath, Jaitram. Reflections and Readings - Bk I. Self-published. Gasparillo, 1976.
Brizan, David. Lullaby of Love. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1982.
Brown, Wayne. On the Coast. London: André Deutsch, 1972.
1940 - 15 Sept 2009.
Voyages. Port-of-Spain: Inprint, 1989.
Browne, I. A. Poems. Port of Spain, 1940
Browne, Vitalis. Experience and Reflections. Self-published. San Fernando, 1988.
Byron, Asaman B.W. To Be Black is to be Equal (=) to God. Self-published. New York, 1971.
Caesar, Oris. Vignettes of Tobago. Self-published. Scarborough, 1984.
Poems of Nostalgia and Others. Self-published. Scarborough, 1986.
Calliste, Leroy; Selwyn Newton.
474 Years of Pain and Suffering. Self-published. Port- of-Spain, 1972.
Capildeo, Devendranath. Ten Short Poems. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1969.
Maracas Bay and Other Poems. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1972.
Capildeo, Vahni No Traveller Returns. Cambridge: Salt, 2003.
Cardinal, John. A Collection of Poems. Barataria: Educo Press: 19??
Vibrations I. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1976.
Vibrations II. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1978.
Vibrations III. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1984.
Cartey, Wilfred. Black images. New York: Teachers College Press, 1970.
The House of Blue Lightning. New York: Emerson Hall, 1973.
Waters of My Soul. Self-published. New York, 1975.
Red Rain. Self-published. New York, 1977.
Sun and Shadows. New York: Emerson Hall, 1978.
Kundiya. Self-published. New York, 1982.
Embryos. Self-published. New York, 1983.
Black Velvet Time. Self-published. New York, 1984.
Children of Lalibela. Self-published. New York, 1985.
Charles, Faustin. The Expatriate. London: Brookside, 1969.
Crab Track. London: Brookside, 1973.
Days and Nights in the Magic Forest. London: Bogle L’Ouverture, 1986.
Children of the Morning. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2008
Charles, Kenneth. Echoes and Visions. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1982.
Chase, Trevor The proposal. Cunupia, 1983
Chen, Willi. Rainfire and Other Poems. Self-published. Marabella, 198?
Clarke, A.M. Wheels Within Wheels. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1975.
Ballads of Selassie and the Rastafarians. Barataria: Educo Press, 1983.
Verses for Emancipation: A Tribute to Dr. Eric Williams. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1986.
Little Flames of Freedom: Selected Poems. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1990.
Clarke, C. G. Selected Poems. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1982.
Clarke, Frank Chaconias. St Augustine, 1999.
Clarke, Leroy. Taste Of Endless Fruit. Self-published. New York, 1974.
Douens. Self-published. New York, 1981.
Eyeing de Word- Love songs for Ettylene. P.O.S, 2004
De distance is here: The El Tucuche poems. UTT Press, 2007
Clarke, Sebastian. Sun Song. London: Paul Breman, 1973.
Cobham, Gilles L. Anthurium and other poems. P.O.S. 1941
Palm Sunday and Other Verses. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1968.
Comma- Maynard, Olga
Carib Echoes. Port of Spain 1929
Carib Echoes (Sixth series) Port of Spain, 1944
Carib Echoes (Federation issue). A collection of poems. Port of Spain, 1957
Carib Echoes. Port of Spain: Columbus Publishers, 1970
Carib Echoes: Poems and stories for Juniors. Port of Spain: Columbus Publishers, 1972.
Cooke, Jr., Fitzroy. Lament of the Soul. Self-published. Diego Martin, 1974.
Insight. Self-published. Diego Martin, 1975.
Coopsammy, Madeline Prairie Journey. Toronto: Tsar Publishing, 2004
Cournand, Emery A. Terrain chimera. Diego Martin, 1992
b. 1949
Cowie, Duncan. Seek Knowledge Seek Undying Love. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1992.
Cromwell, Liz, and Roy Henriques.
Canadian Jungle Tea. Toronto: Khosian, 1975.
One Out of Many. Toronto: Wacacro, 1975.
Awake Sweet Agony. Toronto: Wacacro, 1976.
Talking Dragline. Self-published. Georgetown, 1978.
Cruickshank, Alfred Poems in All Moods. Self published. Port of Spain, 1937
Cuffie, Teneile An Inner Journey (Whispers of the heart) Tacarigua, 1994
Cummings, Joseph. Heartbeat. Self published. Port of Spain, 1977
Uphill Downhill. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1981.
Dedicated (To You With Love) and Other Poems. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1985.
In journey now. Self-published. Mt. Lambert, 1987.
Cupid, Collin It’s all in life. Port of Spain, 1998
Daniel, Edith Gems in verse. Devon: Stockwell, 195?
Darbasie, Nigel A map of the Island: poems. Edmonton: Univ of Alberta Press, c2001
b. 1950
Darklight, Senya. 1951-87 Arise in Love. Fredericksted: Mar Crafs, 1986.
Companion to Senya. Ed. Marty Campbell. Fredericksted: Mar Crafs, 1989.
Senya. Poetry and prose. Ed. Marty Campbell. Fredericksted: Mar Crafs, 1989.
David, Andrew It has always been so. Arima, 1985
Davis, Cecil R. Please don’t look. Port of Spain, 1967
Davis, Selwyn. Selected Slips. Toronto: Williams- Wallace, 1980
Davis, Wayne E. 1944-? Old oracle: Timeless dream. San Fernando, 1975
Sanctuary. Self-published. San Fernando, 1985.
De Lima, Arthur. 1915-97 A Mixed Grill. Devon: Stockwell, 1982.
De Lima, Clara Rosa.
1921- ? Thoughts and Dreams. Devon: Stockwell, 1973.
Dreams Non-Stop. Devon: Stockwell, 1974.
Reminiscing. Devon: Stockwell, 1975.
De Lima, Janice. Anita’s Delusion. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1979.
Dingo. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1979.
The Rift. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1979.
When Darkness Falls. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1979.
De Verteuil, Alex + Dawn Glaisher
b. 1942 c. 2007
Echo of Basho. Bon Accord, Tobago : Chikichong
De Verteuil, Lyn. Quiet Moments. San Juan: Inprint, 1984.
Dick, Charles E. Priceless Gems from Sacred Pens. Port of Spain, 1990
Douglas, Stephen Historic hangings in the Chadee Gang. Downsfield, Ont, c.2000
Duval, Edwin L. 1903-85 Inspirational Poems 1928-1978. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1978.
Edwards, S. Hylton. Aulder Mill. Surrey: Outposts, 1982.
Lyntonwood. London: Murray and Sons, 1982.
The Unborn. Surrey: Outposts, 1982.
The Toco Road. Port-of-Spain: Media & Editorial Projects, 1991.
Efebo, Mwalimu. That Man May Live. Port-of-Spain: Scope, 1977.
Escayg, Elvis. The Road to Success. Self-published. Caparo, 1988.
Espinet, Ramabai 1948- Nuclear Seasons. Toronto: Sister Vision, 1991.
Eversley, Anna Maria A Bruised Reed. Diego Martin, 2003
Ewing-Philip, Shirley. Reflections and Poems. Self-published. Maracas, 1985.
Felipe, A. M. You an Illusion. Self-published. San Fernando, 1977.
Fitzwilliam, Peter Discovering life. Devon: Stockwell, 1995
Forrester, Dennis. Denfor Reflections. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1994.
Franklin-Springer, Eugenia. Words of a Caribbean Woman. Self-published. Washington, D.C., 1980.
Frederick, Rawle. Trans Atlantic Cargo. Montreal: Work-Study-Institute’s Black Writers’ Workshop, 1973.
Gajadhar, Abhiman. The Great Force. Self-published. St. Augustine, 1971.
Lovers in the Light. Self-published. St. Augustine, 1972.
Galt, Roy First Try. Port of Spain, 1980
Gibbings, Wesley. 1958- On Life. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1977.
The Poetry of the Ages. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1980.
Cold Bricks and Warm Eyes. Tunapuna: New World Prophets, 1988.
Lost in the City. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1994.
Giuseppi, Neville. 1909-99 Verse and Prose. Self published, Arima 1940
The Light of thought: A book of poems. Self Published, 1943
Selected Poems. Self-published. Arima, 1972/3
Giuseppi Undine and Neil. Tributes to Arnold. Arima: Giuseppi Pubs, 1991.
Glaude, Oscar A. ?-1995 Moods of the Caribbean. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1994.
Gomes, Albert (ed) 1911-78 From Trinidad: poems and short stories. P.O.S., 1937
Poems. POS, 1939
33 Poems POS, 1939
Gomez, Austin The right to protest. San Fernando, 1992
Gomez, Ivy M. Roses in the Rain. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1974.
Gonzalez, Anson. Score. (With V.D. Questel). Diego Martin: New Voices, 1972
The Lovesong of Boysie B. and Other Poems. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1974.
Collected Poems 1964-1979. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1979.
Postcards & Haiku. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1984.
Moksha: Poems of Light and Sound. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1988.
Merry-go-round and Other Poems. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1992.
Crossroads of dream. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2003
Homegrown. Diego Martin: New Voices, 2005
First published 1967
Gonzalez, Anson and Ken Parmasad, eds.
Arising. Port-of-Spain: Writers’ Union of Trinidad and Tobago, 1985.
Gonzalez, Maria. Step by Step. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1974.
Feelings. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1977.
A Young Girl’s Poems. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1992.
Gonzalez, Steve Emmanuel As Evening Gently Falls. Gasparillo: Segon, 1995
Gray, Cecil. 1923- The Woolgatherer. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press, 1994.
Lilian’s Song. Toronto: Lilibell Productions, 1996
Leaving the dark. Toronto, 1998
Plumed Palms. Toronto: Lilibel productions, 2000
Gray, Christopher. Another Look. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1986.
Just for You. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1986.
Cry of My Soul. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1989.
Voices of the Silent. Self-published. Diego Martin, 1991.
Toward a state of being. Port of Spain, 1992
Along the sea shore. Port of Spain, 1995
Children of the fields. Port of Spain, 1996
Griffith, Pearl D. The Artist and the Canvas. Self-published. La Romaine, 1987.
Guerin, Verne b1941 Sunday Morning. Diego Martin, New Voices, 2008.
Harris, Claire. Fables from the Women’s Quarters. Toronto: Williams-Wallace, 1984.
Translation Into Fiction. Fredericton: Fiddlehead Poetry Books and Goose Lane Editions, 1984.
Travelling to Find a Remedy. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 1986.
The Conception of Winter. Toronto: Williams-Wallace, 1989.
Dipped in Shadow. Frederiction: Goose Lane Editions, 1996.
Dreams and Mirrors. Eggingen: K. Isele, 1996.
Harry, Glenda. A Testimony of God’s Love. Self-published. Sangre Grande, 1982.
Haynes, Martin. Charybdis: more poems. Self-published. San Fernando, 1986.
The Moving Finger. Self-published. San Fernando, 1985.
Hearne, Joy. Collection of Poetry. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1973.
Poetic Trinidad. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1974.
Trinidad, Gem of the Caribbean. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1975.
Folklore Tales in Verse. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1977.
Tobago - My Paradise Isle. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1981.
Henry, Cyril. 1928- 199_ Trinidad and Tobago: Language and Landscape. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1970.
Poems. Self-published. Arouca, 1992.
Herbert, Cecil. 1924-2002 The Poems of Cecil Herbert. Ed. D. Gianetti. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1981.
Hope, Caroline. b.1950 The Sacred Bench: A Collection of Poetry and Paintings. Gloucester: Caro Publishing, 2003.
Huggins, Stephen. Coherent Pictures of Reality. Self-published. Diego Martin, 1989.
Hunt, Ruth Poems. Port of Spain, 1989
James, Cynthia. 1948- Iere, My Love. Tunapuna: J. James, 1989.
La Vega and Other Poems. Self-published. Tunapuna, 1995.
Vigil. Self-published. Tunapuna, 1995.
Jerome, W. Abraham. Selected Poems from the Book, The Angry Waves. Port-of-Spain: Columbus Publishers, 1970.
Selected Poems. Self-published. Guapo, 1982.
John, Enoch La Renaissance. Chaguanas, 1998
John, Frank (Nkemka Asika). Black Songs. London: Longmac, 1969.
b. 1941 d. Spring 2001
Black Waves. London: F. John Publications, 1973.
Light a Fire. London: P. Breman, 1973.
We Will Meet Again. Self published. New York: 1978.
Before the Thunder Rolls. New York : Nkemka Asika Publications, 1980.
Johnson, Amryl. 1944-2001 Long Road to Nowhere. London: Virago, 1985.
Tread Carefully in Paradise. Coventry: Cofa, 1991
Gorgons. Coventry: Cofa, 1992
Calling. Coventry: Sable, 1999
Jones, Barbara A. ?-1967 Among the Potatoes. Devon: Stockwell, 1967.
Jones, Fitzroy Gregory Delayed Spring, Vol. 1. Whitby, Ontario, 1997
Delayed Spring, Vol. II. Whitby, Ontario, 1997
Joseph, Anthony Desafinado. London: Poison Engine, 1994
Teragaton. London: Poison Engine, 1997.
Bird Head Son. Cambridge: Salt, 2009
Joseph, Carol B. Find your Dreams within your Heart. New York: Vantage 1986.
Joseph, Corey. Splashes of Caribbean Ink. Carenage, 1997.
Joseph, George ‘Umbala’ Songs my Gramma Never Sung. Port of Spain: Umbala International Publishing, 2000
Kallicharan, Jennifer. Echoes of My Heart. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1992.
Kaur, Chioneso Kulwant. New Moon Rising. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1977.
Voyage into Sunset. Self-published. Tunapuna, 1983.
Keens-Douglas, Paul. When Moon Shine. Curepe: Moko Enterprises, 1975.
b. 1942
Tim-tim. Port-of-Spain: Keensdee Productions, 1976.
Tell Me Again. Port-of-Spain: Keensdee Productions, 1980.
Is Town Say So. Port-of-Spain: Keensdee Productions, 1982.
Lal Shop. Dialect prose and verse. Port-of-Spain: Keensdee Productions, 1984.
Twice Upon a Time. Port-of-Spain: Keensdee Productions, 1989.
Tanti at de oval. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1992.
Role Call. Diego Martin: Keensdee, c1997
Kelshall, Candyce 1966-,
Naomi Laird 1953-
and Alan Tang 1966- Voices on the Sea. Port-of-Spain: Remous Publications, 1990.
Kelshall, Jack. 1908-1997 Songs from a Prison Courtyard and Other Poems. San Fernando: Moko Enterprises, 1972.
Kwabena, Roi. (Fitzroy Cooke) Season of Exile. Self-published. Coventry, 1986.
Whether or not. Birmingham: Raka Pubs, 2001
Kwesi, Lasana (Winst. Daniel) Giving Back to my People. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1973.
Poems of Rebellion. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1975.
La Fortune, Claudette. Incentives: poems and short stories. Barataria, 1970
Revelations: a book of theological statements. St Augustine, 1983
La Fortune, Knolly S.
1920-2003 Moments of Inspiration. Port of Spain n.d.
Manzanilla. London, 1999
La Rose, Antony (John)
1927-2006 Foundations. London: New Beacon Publications, 1966.
Eyelets of Truth Within Me. London: New Beacon Publications, 1992.
Lawrence, Diane Life’s inspirations. Trinidad, 1997
Exalt the Lord thy God for he is worthy to be praised. Couva, 1997
Lee, Dennis The death of Harold Ladoo. San Francisco: Kanchenjunga Press, 1976
Leighton-Mills, Horace E. Anthology of Poems and Flora. Self-published. Scarborough, 1966.
2nd Anthology of Poems and Short Stories. Self-published. Scarborough, 1968.
Lewis, Arthur Michael. Life Love Liberty. New York: G. O’Brien, 1971.
Lushington, Claude. Mystic Rose. London: Magpie, 1969.
Lynch, J.W. Quo-ems: I am Somebody. Poetry with quotations. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1973.
Lyons, John Lure of the Cascadura. London: Bogle L’Ouverture, 1989.
b.1933 Behind the Carnival. Huddersfield: Smith/ Doorstop, 1994.
Voices from a Silk-Cotton Tree: Smith/Doorstop, 2002.
Mac Marie, Joe. The Outsider. Self-published. Moruga, 1974.
Another Round. Self-published. Moruga, 1975.
McMillan, Dexter Shallow: Voices of a Small Man. Morvant, 2000
McDonald, Ian. Selected Poems. Georgetown: Labour Advocate, 1983.
Mercy Ward. Cornwall: Peterloo Poets, 1988.
Essequibo. Cornwall: Peterloo Poets, 1992.
Jaffo the Calypsonian. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press, 1994.
From silence to silence. Leeds Peepal Tree, 2003
McGregor, Helen. The Collected Poetry of Helen Mc Gregor. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1976
McTair, Dionyse. Notes Towards an Escape from Death. London: New Beacon Pulications, 1988.
Malik, Abdul. Black Up. Self-published. St. Augustine, 1972.
Revo. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1975.
The Whirlwind. Brixton: Panrun Collective, 1988.
De Homeplace: Poems for Renewal By Young People of Caribbean Origin. Brixton, London : Panrun Collective, 1990.
Maharaj, Annisha. Silent Nights. Tunapuna, 1998
Maharaj, Jeanne B. From a Simple Heart. Self-published. Marabella, 1981.
Maraj, Jagdip. The Flaming Circle. Self-published. Montreal, 1966.
Mathura, Wayne Sundays in Trinidad. Freeport, 2002
Maundy, Sybil All Around Us: Verses for Infants and Juniors. London: Karia, 1988.
Maxwell, Marina Ama Omowale
Decades to Ama. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2005
Mendes, Alfred H.
1897-1991 Spare Moments. Port of Spain: Spck printing office, 1924
The wages of sin and other poems. Port of Spain: Yuilles, 1925
The Poet’s Quest. London: Heath Cranton, 1927
Miles, Isabel. Out of In. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1978.
Modeste, Pat. The Birth of a Poem. Los Angeles: Vermont Press, 1977.
Mohamed, M.R. From the Crucible. New York: Vantage, 1979.
Montserrin, Flora My Country and other poems. Port of Spain, 1944
Moore, Gerald. Between Silence: Poems. Self-published. London, 1974.
Mora-Duncan, A., ed. Youth in Search of Self. Self-published. Arima, 1984.
Moreno-Eversley, Maricita. My First Fifty: An Anthology of Poems. Self-published. Diego Martin, 1978.
Mottley-Lawrence, P., ed. Staff Book of Poems. Port-of-Spain: Republic Bank, 1985.
Mtewa, Kwame. Alite. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1979.
Nanton, Ronald L. The Entrant and Other Poems. Self-published. Santa Cruz, 1994. Republished Victoria, BC, Trafford 2007.
The Last Convert and Other Poems. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1982.
Narine, Alvin A Variety of Moods. Port of Spain, 2000
Narine, Lallita. The Illustration of Feelings. Self-published. Chaguanas, 1984.
Neptune, Vincent J. Treatos. Upper Laventille:Trident, 1994.
Netto, Alan. Little Literations Playfully Ploying Worthy Words. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1975.
Newell-Lewis, J. What the Tropical Tree Means to Me. Port-of-Spain: Caribbean Forest Conservation Association, 1990.
Pantin, Raoul. Journey. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1976.
Parmasad, Kenneth Vidia.
1947-2006 Child of the Storms. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1987.
Patrong, Jude. The Beauty of Love. Self-published. Arima, 1992.
The Garden of Valencia. Self-published. Valencia, 1996.
Penco, J. E. et al Wind in the Palms: a book of sonnets and The Stargazer. Port of Spain, 1945
Philip, Dawad. Invocations. New York: Featherstone Press, 1979.
Philip, Marlene Nourbese. Thorns. Toronto: Williams-Wallace, 1982.
Salmon Courage. Toronto: Williams-Wallace, 1983.
She Tries her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks. Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1989.
Philips, Nathan. A Voice from the Bush. Quebec, 1989
Pierre, John. An Awakening. Self-published. Trincity. 1983.
Prime, Cynthia J. The Sour and the Sweet. New York: William-Frederick Press, 1972.
Pran, Horace N. Biblical Poetry for Humanity. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1985.
Prescod, Martha Land of rope and Tory. London: Akira, 1985
Questel, Victor D.
1949-1982 Score. Diego Martin, 1972.
Near Mourning Ground. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1979.
Hard Stares. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1982.
Rahim, Jennifer. b. 1963 Mothers are not the Only Linguists. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1992.
Between the Fence and the Forest. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press, 1998.
Rambachan, Vidura. The Journey Within. Self-published. Fyzabad, 1984.
Ramcharan, Shail Kamini. Balancing on the edge of nowhere and forever. Pittsburg: Dorrance, 1991.
Ramcharitar, Raymond et al The armour of the ridiculous : six Trinidadian poets / [edited by Raymond Ramcharitar ; introduced by Gorden Rohlehr]. San Juan: Lexicon, c2006
Ramcharitar, Raymond American Fall. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2008
Ramdeen, Balgobin Poems, Musings and Meditations. Port of Spain, 2002
Ramdeo, Cislyn. The many colours of love. Freeport, 1994
Ramdial, Sidney. 1907-92 Poems and Musings. Self-published. San Fernando, 197?.
Ramkisson-Chen, Rajandaye Ancestry. Warwick: Hansib, 1997
Mirror Eye. Warwick: Hansib, 2001
Lines written on Santo Domingo. Vistabella, 2005
Meenachi. London: Hansib, 2007
Ramon-Fortune, Barnabas
John 1917- 2003 Parian Currents 1935 (?)
Black Aphrodite and Poems of Love and Passion. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1976.
Glympses of Beauty, nature and Days Gone. 2002
In joyous retrospect: the anatomy of an enduring love. 2002
Reflections of philosophy and religion. 2002
Ramon-Fortune, Jose.
1904-96 Up With Your Hearts. Devon: Stockwell, 1971.
Rampersad, Kenneth. A Collection of Moments. Tacarigua, 2002
Rayborn, John Ashley. Multi-thought Poems. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1989.
Raymond, E.A. and Ursula. Faith Verses. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1984.
Raymond, Ursula Annointed Annointed. San Juan: Lexicon, 2004
Rennie, Bukka. Sun Ships. Tunapuna: Ren-Ro Ent, 1986
Brother Resistance. Rapso Explosion. London: Karia Press, 1986.
Roach, E.M. 1916-1974 The Flowering Rock: Collected Poems 1938- 1974. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press, 1992.
Rogers, D. W. 1906-84 Tagore and Kisagotami. Poems. Port of Spain, 1973.
Rogers, Nadine, ed. Under We Sky. Cave Hill: CREWA, 1987.
Romany, Sandra. Out of In. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1978.
Romilly, Errol P. Collection of Poems. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 197?.
Ross, Lennox. Gems of Pleasure. Port of Spain, 1984.
Rowan, Radjinderpersad Enjoyable poems on popular animals, insects, fishes and birds. Port of Spain, 1982
Rudder, L.J. World Alive?. Self-published. Port-of-Spain, 1987.
Russell, A. D. 1864-1934 Legends of the Bocas. Port of Spain: Cecil Palmer, 1929
Samaroo, Krishna. Tentacles and Tendrils. Diego Martin: New Voices, 1985.
Sankersingh, Leslie. Of Verse and Song. Port of Spain, 1948
Later Poems. Self-published. Valsayn, 1973.
Sanowar, Wilmot. The Pendulum Swings. Self-published. San Fernando, 1987.
The Changing World. Self-published. San Fernando, 1989.
Sawh, Ruth. Rotiless Ramgoolie. Self-published. St. Augustine, 1982.
Scobie, Milton. Up Beat Drums, Drums, Drums. Self-published. Mayaro, 1975.
Ancient. Folk Verses. Toronto: Norran, 1997.
Dry walls: 2 late 4 romance. Toronto: Norran, 2002
Scoon, Harris. Change 1. Self-published. Moruga, 1972.
Change 2. Self-published. Moruga, 1973.
Scott, Irwin The Voice. Tobago: Universal, 1988
Seetahal, Bhadase. Arrivals and Departures. Self-published. California, 1985.
Skinner, Hugh. Rain Forest Blues. Self-published. Queensland, 1985.
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